Tag: steampunk
Steampunk Textures – Set 8
This is the first of a new set of textures designed for Steampunk vessels, and will be followed up by sets of wall textures for engine rooms and for living quarters (you can catch a glimpse of one these in the sample picture below). There are 40 textures in all, at 256×256 size. They tile…
Victorian Interiors – Set 1, Take 2
An explanation and an announcement Charity Tearfall posted a brief, complimentary review of the Victorian Interior textures on XstreetSL (thanks!), but suggested that it would be good if the windows were transparent. Well, she’s right, it’s always useful for windows to be transparent! Unfortunately, and as you are probably aware if you are a resident,…
Victorian Interior Textures – Set 1
A new texture set! This time it’s a collection of 30 wall textures in a Victorian style, suitable for the Victorian gentleperson at home, or for Steampunk inventors in search of a stylish interior for their latest vehicle! As usual, you can get the texture set from XStreetSL, or in-world at the Templar Creations store.…
Steampunk Textures – Set 7
Now available from the main store and from XstreetSL, this new texture set is mainly for walls and floors, and consists of 20 seamlessly tiling textures. A few examples: View the set on XstreetSL Visit the Templar Creations Main Store
More Steampunk Goodness
Yes, a new set of Steampunk textures! Not only that, but sets 4, 5, and 6 (the new set) are now available as a combined Steampunk Textures Collection 2, for a discounted price of L$250. A couple of samples pictures from the new set. There are actually four textures in each picture, but they fit…
Putting Things In Motion
Yet another Steampunk texture pack, but this time with a crucial difference: these ones are animated textures. Use them to bring your steampunk machinery to life, but please be careful — yes, I’m looking at you, Dr Frankenstein… Of course, animated textures need a bit more work than just applying them to a prim. You…
The launch of the Templar Creations website
In case you’ve stumbled across this website by accident, Templar Creations is a Second Life business, mainly supplying textures and prefabs for Second Life residents. If you don’t know what Second Life is, click here to learn more, and you can find a bit more about Templar Creations on the About page. This site will…