Putting Things In Motion

Yet another Steampunk texture pack, but this time with a crucial difference: these ones are animated textures. Use them to bring your steampunk machinery to life, but please be careful — yes, I’m looking at you, Dr Frankenstein…
Of course, animated textures need a bit more work than just applying them to a prim. You need a script to set them in motion. This pack comes with a set of sample scripts, all with full permissions so that you can copy and edit them as much as you want. It also comes with a set of pre-built prims, with the scripts already present and active — simply add them to your build, or use them as examples to copy (they are No Transfer, though, so if you want to sell your builds, you will need to create your own versions).
Here’s a sample picture of some of the textures (there are eleven in all, some of them in small and large versions). Of course, this can’t show you what these look like in motion, but you can visit the Steampunk Textures floor of the Templar Creations main store to see them (the prims which are displayed in the store are the ones which are included in the pack).
Buy the pack in-world at the store, or from the XStreetSL page:
Templar Creations Main Store http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ling/183/111/54/?img=http%3A//www.templarcreations.com/graphics/Terrain_Pick_Logo.png&title=Templar%20Creations%20Main%20Store
XStreetSL Page https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&MerchantID=24474

Yet another Steampunk texture pack, but this time with a crucial difference: these ones are animated textures. Use them to bring your steampunk machinery to life, but please be careful — yes, I’m looking at you, Dr Frankenstein…

Of course, animated textures need a bit more work than just applying them to a prim. You need a script to set them in motion. This pack comes with a set of sample scripts, all with full permissions so that you can copy and edit them as much as you want. It also comes with a set of pre-built prims, with the scripts already present and active — simply add them to your build, or use them as examples to copy (they are No Transfer, though, so if you want to sell your builds, you will need to create your own versions).

Here’s a sample picture of some of the textures (there are eleven in all, some of them in small and large versions). Of course, this can’t show you what these look like in motion, but you can visit the Steampunk Textures floor of the Templar Creations main store to see them (the prims which are displayed in the store are the ones which are included in the pack).

Animated Steampunk Textures
Animated Steampunk Textures

Buy the pack in-world at the store, or from the XStreetSL page:

SLURL: Templar Creations Main Store

XStreetSL Page






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