The launch of the Templar Creations website

In case you’ve stumbled across this website by accident, Templar Creations is a Second Life business, mainly supplying textures and prefabs for Second Life residents. If you don’t know what Second Life is, click here to learn more, and you can find a bit more about Templar Creations on the About page.

This site will keep you up-to-date with new releases from Templar Creations, and will include tutorials and examples related to using textures in Second Life. It will also have news about Templar Creations’ presence and experiments on other metaverse grids, such as OS Grid.

This website is being launched alongside the recent opening of the newly revamped Templar Creations store in Ling,and the repackaging (into smaller and cheaper sets) of the Templar Creations ”Steampunk” texture sets, complete with some brand new textures.

Templar Creations will also be found on XstreetSL, and you can check out the Steampunk textures using these direct links:

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Collection 1 (sets 1-3 combined)

Here are some examples of the new textures (you’ll find these in Set 5):

Piping Junction
Piping Junction
Iron-bound Wood door
Wood Door
Iron door
Iron Door





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