Steampunk Textures – Set 8

This is the first of a new set of textures designed for Steampunk vessels, and will be followed up by sets of wall textures for engine rooms and for living quarters (you can catch a glimpse of one these in the sample picture below).

There are 40 textures in all, at 256×256 size. They tile seamlessly, although they are really intended to be used on single panels (as will probably be obvious).

Steampunk texture set 8 example

The set isn’t available in Inworldz yet, but probably will be later today. See the update below.

For Second Life, you can pick up a copy at the Second Life Marketplace, or in-world at the main store (you’ll find it on the second floor).

Second Life Marketplace Page

Main Store

Update: The set is now available in Inworldz, in the Templar Creations Main Store at Tulare 134/220/22.



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