Tag: animated

  • LSL Scripts: Scrolling floating text

    This is one of an occasional series of small but (I hope) useful pieces of code. Floating text above a prim has a lot of uses in Second Life, and here is a script which might add even more possibilities. This takes advantage of the fact that you can display multiple lines of text and…

  • Animated Textures – Tutorial 3

    In the previous two articles you saw how to use llSetTextureAnim() to activate conventional animated textures. This is the usual way of animating textures in Second Life. There is another way, which involves using a script and a timer, along with the ‘offset texture’ function. This is far less efficient than using a normal animated…

  • Animated Textures – Tutorial 2

    In the previous blog you saw how to use the SMOOTH option for simple animation. Although this is useful, it is also rather limited. The usual way of creating animated textures is by way of a texture which contains a set of ‘frames’, in a way very similar to that used in traditional animation. Note: the examples from…

  • Animated Textures – Tutorial 1

    With the recent release of the Animated Steampunk Textures pack, this would be a good time to do some tutorials on animated textures, so here we go… This is the first of a three-part tutorial about using animated textures in Second Life. There three parts, because there are three different ways of animating textures, each with their own…

  • Putting Things In Motion

    Yet another Steampunk texture pack, but this time with a crucial difference: these ones are animated textures. Use them to bring your steampunk machinery to life, but please be careful — yes, I’m looking at you, Dr Frankenstein… Of course, animated textures need a bit more work than just applying them to a prim. You…