Category: Textures

  • Animated Textures – Tutorial 2

    In the previous blog you saw how to use the SMOOTH option for simple animation. Although this is useful, it is also rather limited. The usual way of creating animated textures is by way of a texture which contains a set of ‘frames’, in a way very similar to that used in traditional animation. Note: the examples from…

  • Animated Textures – Tutorial 1

    With the recent release of the Animated Steampunk Textures pack, this would be a good time to do some tutorials on animated textures, so here we go… This is the first of a three-part tutorial about using animated textures in Second Life. There three parts, because there are three different ways of animating textures, each with their own…

  • More Steampunk Goodness

    Yes, a new set of Steampunk textures! Not only that, but sets 4, 5, and 6 (the new set) are now available as a combined Steampunk Textures Collection 2, for a discounted price of L$250. A couple of samples pictures from the new set. There are actually four textures in each picture, but they fit…

  • The Future Looks Dark

    A new collection of textures, this time with a Dark SF look to them, akin to the textures from Quake and similar games. As usual, there are 20 textures in the pack, in a mixture of sizes (the smaller sizes are usually designed to be tiled — set the horizontal and vertical repeats to 5…

  • Putting Things In Motion

    Yet another Steampunk texture pack, but this time with a crucial difference: these ones are animated textures. Use them to bring your steampunk machinery to life, but please be careful — yes, I’m looking at you, Dr Frankenstein… Of course, animated textures need a bit more work than just applying them to a prim. You…

  • Going Retro

    A new set of textures, and a new prefab! This time we are going back to the 1930s/1940s for inspiration, with a set of textures inspired by Art Deco. The set includes both interior and exterior textures, and there is a new ‘Nightclub’ prefab which shows off the textures. Visit the main Templar Creations store…

  • Transparently Obvious

    Montague: Carruthers, look at this. Observe it closely. Carruthers: There appears to be nothing there, Montague. Montague: So it would appear, my dear Carruthers, but appearances can be deceptive… I briefly looked at transparency in the third of my Texture tutorials, but it’s a subject which deserves a more in-depth look, because in spite of…

  • Tutorial 3: More Options

    One underused area of the texture dialog is the ‘Bumpiness’ dropdown. This adds ‘depth’ details to your texture. The effect on an existing texture is often subtle, but can be useful to add a touch of additional realism. Here’s an example. The box on the right has the Darkness bumpmap applied to it: However, you…

  • Tutorial 2: Repeat, Offset

    In the previous tutorial I gave you a guide to getting textures on to your prims. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to change the appearance of the applied textures. Let’s start with the simplest, but most frequently-used options — the Repeat options. These allow you to set how many times the texture will…

  • Japanese House and Textures, Set 2

    Our Japanese House textures seem quite popular, so I’ve released a second set of them, along with a small prefab which shows off what can be done. You’ll find the house and the textures at the main store, of course, and also on the XstreetSL pages (see the links in the sidebar). Here’s a quick…