Castle Textures – Set 5

It’s been a while, but finally here is a new texture set, and several more are on their way.

This one is another set of castle walls, with a few flagstone floors as well.  There are a couple of walls with windows, and these come in opaque and  transparent versions.

You can see them all in the texture gallery, and here’s a quick preview:
Castle textures example

As usual, you will find them online at the store, and also in the Second Life

Second Life Marketplace page

Main Store (in-world)

You will also find them in Inworldz, in the Templar Creations Main Store at Tulare 134/220/22.

In other news
Ah yes, the new Second Life Marketplace website. It replaces XstreetSL, and  broke all the links from my texture galleries. Fun. I think I’ve now corrected all the links, so clicking on the gallery thumb-nail pictures should now take you to the right page.



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