Tag: Inworldz

  • Dark SF Textures – Set 6

    This new texture set is an extension to the Dark SF Textures Set 6, and adds 35 new panel textures, suitable for both interiors and exteriors, all at 512 x 512. Here are a some previews, but check out the gallery page to see all the textures from the set. The set is available both…

  • Templar Creations Inworldz Store has moved

    The main Templar Creations store in Inworldz has moved to a new and more appropriate location. You will now find it at the not-to-be-missed Steampunk Mall on Steampunk Isle. Look for it at Steampunk Isle, 109/206/22  

  • SF Textures

    Not one, but two new textures sets this time, as extensions to the existing SF textures sets. Dark SF Set 5 is a darker and slightly cleaner set that is partly a variant of the textures from Set 4. There are 45 textures in all, mostly at 512×512 in size. Light SF Set 1 is…

  • Steampunk Textures, Set 15

    This new Steampunk texture set is an extension to sets 9-14, and contains a mixture of wall and girder textures in an ornate style. There are 30 distinct textures, plus transparent versions of the window textures, and most of them are 512 x 512 in size. You can see the whole set on the Gallery…

  • New Store in Inworldz

    There is a new Templar Creations store in Inworldz, in the picturesque (and highly appropriate) setting of the Vir Volantes steampunk mall, flying high in the sky. You’ll find the store at Vir Volantes, Bacchus (124, 47, 241). If you are a merchant in Inworldz with steampunk-themed goods, there are shops still for rent in…

  • Templar Creations Inworldz Store

    The Templar Creations store in Inworldz has moved to a new location amongst the Magellan Sea sims. You will now find it at Eole (100, 245, 1201).

  • Steampunk Textures, Set 14

    This is an extension to sets 9-13, and contains a mixture of wall and girder textures. There are 30 distinct textures, plus transparent versions of the window textures, and most of them are 512 x 512 in size. Here’s a preview. Check the gallery to see all the textures. As usual, you will find it…

  • Steampunk Textures, Set 13

    Yet another addition to the current collection of Steampunk Textures. This adds some variant wall textures, with pipes and windows, along with some canvas textures for airships and balloons. There are 30 distinct textures, plus transparent versions of the window textures, and most of them are 512 x 512 in size. A quick preview: As…

  • Steampunk Textures – Sets 11 and 12

    I’m starting the year off with not one, but two new texture sets, additions to the Steampunk Vessel collection that I have been building over the last few sets. These ones are designed as elegant interiors for vessels, and are based on wood (set 11) and white metal (set 12). There are 30 distinct textures…

  • Castle Textures – Set 4

    If you missed the TextureMania hunt, the Castle Textures set that was the gift from Templar Creations is now available for purchase. The set of textures consists of miscellaneous stone wall and wood floor textures, designed for Castle builds (although many of the floor textures could easily be used in other kinds of builds). There…