Templar Creations

  • Creating a Slideshow Viewer, Part 2: Reading the Inventory

    This is the second installment in my small series about creating a slideshow viewer (based on my new texture vendors). In this one, I’ll be showing you how to add images to the viewer. In my original texture vendors, the prim which displayed the images was responsible for creating a list of the images available,…

  • Creating a Slideshow Viewer, Part 1: Buttons

    Recently I decided to update my Texture Vendors. If you have seen my stores inworld, you will know that the Texture Vendors display one texture at a time, with buttons to let you cycle through the different textures in the set. The current version of the vendors was created quite a while ago, and uses…

  • LSL Scripts: Scrolling floating text

    This is one of an occasional series of small but (I hope) useful pieces of code. Floating text above a prim has a lot of uses in Second Life, and here is a script which might add even more possibilities. This takes advantage of the fact that you can display multiple lines of text and…

  • Templar Creations Inworldz Store

    The Templar Creations store in Inworldz has moved to a new location amongst the Magellan Sea sims. You will now find it at Eole (100, 245, 1201).

  • Support SLUniverse

    What is SLUniverse? SLUniverse is a web-forum dedicated to Second Life and to other virtual worlds, and is one of the most successful and popular of the unofficial Second Life forums. It is also the home of the Snapzilla photo-site for sharing Second Life snapshots. You’ll find it here: http://www.sluniverse.com Why does it need support?…

  • Japanese House Textures, Set 3

    This is a new set of textures based on my previous Japanese House textures, this time with a painted red wood theme. There are 20 textures in this mostly, mostly at 512 x 512, but with a few at 256 x 512 for narrow panels such as doors. You can see the whole set on…

  • Industrial Wall Textures – Set 1

    This is a collection of general-purpose red-brick and concrete wall textures for industrial builds. There are 31 textures in all, most at 512×512 in size. Here’s a couple of quick previews: As usual, you will find the set in-world at the Templar Creations main store, both in Second Life (see the link below), and in…

  • Industrial Metal Textures, Set 1

    At last, a new texture set! This is a collection of general-purpose rusty and weathered metal textures for industrial builds. There are 30 textures in all, most at 512×512 in size. You can see the whole set on the Gallery page but here is a preview of some of the textures: As usual, you will…

  • Old Wood Textures, Set 1

    This a collection of general-purpose old and weathered wood textures, with floorboards, planking, and plain fill textures, along with a few tree bark textures. All the textures are 512×512 in size. You can see the whole set on the Gallery page but here is a preview of some of the textures: Floorboards Planking Tree barks…

  • Steampunk Textures, Set 14

    This is an extension to sets 9-13, and contains a mixture of wall and girder textures. There are 30 distinct textures, plus transparent versions of the window textures, and most of them are 512 x 512 in size. Here’s a preview. Check the gallery to see all the textures. As usual, you will find it…